I came across a journal entry I wrote on September 27, 2011 that was very moving to me. It reads:
"Yesterday I learned how to accept loads of criticism in one day! "Tone" is something I need to work on. I may have the most innocent intentions but if my tone is off my delivery and the perception will be as well. So I expect God to help me see when my tone is off and it doesn't align with HIS will."
You may be asking yourself...well why does this move her so? Well, seeing that helped me realize that firstly, I need to write more, like everyday more. Writing the things I could work on (or flaws) helps me see how far (or little) I have came from the time I wrote it. See, I'm the type of person that tends to pick myself apart. Sometimes, that can be a good thing...and the other times, not so good. Flaws, in my opinion, shouldn't have to be brought to someone's attention (If they can see them for themselves) for them to be fixed. Secondly, it is good to see yourself through your words. Words have the ability to show you so much in so little. They can tell you a lot about a person. The way they carry themselves, their mental stability, and mind state at that time. So I was quite amazed to see where I had been and extremely optimistic about who I am at the moment, but most importantly...where I plan to be in the near future. Hopefully, I'll remember to keep writing.
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